Friday, 18 November 2011

Review of the 2012 Combat Avarice USSSA

As mentioned before , Canadian Slopitch Blog has added a couple of the bigger bat men in Canada to hit the new product thats coming out and give us their take on it so we can pass it on you...
Here is the first one on the new Avarice from Combat...

"Always been a fan of the Combat Equipment, especially the NSA stuff, and the Avarice looks like that trend will continue. Fresh out of the wrapper it felt a little different than the normal Combat feel to me but quickly heated up and was providing results that were well ahead of any bat I currently own, outdistancing a well broken in U-Trip product by a good 20-30 feet on average. If chicks truly dig the long ball then you may want to get yourself one of these in the very near future."

I had a chance to go out with another one of the batmen and hit the same Avarice and was really surprised at the performance because to be honest when I first was test swinging it it felt like a anchor...
When I actually starting hitting balls with it, I was impressed with the performance distance.
Now I should mention that I wasn't "hitting them on the screws that day"(I rarely but I was still seeing  excellent distance  and  power  through the infield.
When I asked the guys about this feel, they agreed , saying that it almost didn't feel that you ever hit it clean but the flight of the balls was a direct opposite of this.
To quote" when you hit an Assault cleanly you don't even have to look up.. you know it's gone, just flip the bat and trot..... with the Avarice , soon as you hit you look for it and are surprised where it is in flight and how quick it's moving" end quote
This bat so impressed all of us that we each ordered one 

Going to the indoor next week to swing them  as well as the new FH52, PURE and Avarice 98 as well as the new Catalysts from Louisville Slugger
If you have any feedback or questions on this , please feel free to send them to
till next time .... stay warm!

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